Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well I haven't been writing about gaming for the last two weeks. Last week was cancled for weather, and I couldn't make it this week cause my best friend Ash is moving to Florida. I was throwing a going away party for him. The party went well a bunch of people showed up and they didn't all leave til 330-400 in the morning. So that went much better then expected considering one person showed up when Ash said it was supposed to start. I was supposed to be going up to Andy's to visit and game on Saturday, but and elderly lady driving a red 2004 Honda CRV rear ended me at a red light. I came to stop behind the car thinking boo I missed the green turn signal. Reached over to pet my dog and looked in the rear view mirror. The red thing was accelerating towards me I pushed the break to the ground hoping that I wouldn't get pushed to far. Well I got pushed under the car in front of me. Bent his bumper and such but cause I was pushed under my airbags didn't go off lol. Well my poor little Focus now has front and rear damage and is sitting at the body shop. Oh yeah and I didn't have a copy of my new insurance card so apparently they are mailing me something about that too. Luckily the lady had insurance so my car will get fixed w/o me having to pay for it lol. My dog and myself seem alright after the wreck and such. Though not having a car today kinda is the suck my parents are coming over to pick me up to watch football and do laundry. Hmm guess I'll have to call and see if they will get me a rental car while mine is in the shop. The lady had the same car insurance as my parents which was nice we know how to deal with them. Well Later and yes I realize its all one big blob. I might fix that eventually.

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